If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my hubby is still giving me the evil eye. In a display of incredible genius, I thew out my hubby’s new, never-used winter boots along with our other extras going to Goodwill. So, yesterday, we were back at the stores getting him a second pair of boots.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that our doggies know something is up. They keep watching us putting things in boxes and sniffing the contents with concern. I don’t know that they understand exactly what’s going on but I think they certainly know somethings up.

(credit: Natural Health 365)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that, as much as we have already done, it seems that there is stuff to pack everywhere you look. The garage itself is a nightmare for packing that I dread even starting. How do you pack a rake? A bottles of nameless fluids? Cables and brooms? Tools none of which are the same size?

Definitely, more coffee is needed.


A huge thank you to Eclectic Ali for hosting the Weekend Coffee share. This week’s link is here.

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d moan that I want spring and I want it now. We’ve had a long, cold winter and we’re due for Spring. Especially since our Groundhog promised an early spring…

Okay, that’s not the best reason for an early spring…but, hey! It would be really, really nice if we finally have temperatures above freezing for a couple of days. I do think our weather forecasters feel our pain because they keep promising nicer weather just a couple of days ahead…unfortunately, those predictions never come true but they’re still nice to see.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this is the time of year when our doggies blow their coat and we have a lot of hair around our house as a result. I have one of the culprits as we speak staring at me over the edge of my computer, sniffing my screen asking for kisses and hugs because it has been almost a minute since I gave her some and that’s simply too long.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s back to work tomorrow and I don’t feel ready for it. I think I have the Monday blues a day early. Maybe my doggies aren’t the only ones who are spoiled because working is a reality of life and I should be grateful I have a job not moaning that I have to work.

Obviously, more coffee is needed.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s still freezing here. In fact, we have freezing rain in our forecast. Lovely, isn’t i? A couple of days ago, the Polar Vortex was among us giving us incredibly frigid temperatures, snow squalls and the promise of frostbite if we dared to venture outside.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my husband’s patchy, duck-tape ‘fix’ of our dogs’ beds is over and they both now have new beds. This is good news for both doggies and people, since the old dog beds were a complete eye sore.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that Groundhog Day promised us an early spring and I, for one, can’t wait.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d be yawing and asking for a second cup. We had friends over yesterday until late but her royal fluffiness, Ocean, won’t sleep in no matter how many times you explain to her that you’re tired.

If we were having coffee, I’d share with you that our guests were over having a good time but River was having none of it. He kept staring at them, giving them the evil-doggie-eye. It didn’t seem to even register with our guests, who kept talking and laughing but I wondered about my fluffy doggie. He sat right in front of me and wouldn’t really leave my side. He even growled when someone sat on my seat on the couch.

If we were having coffee, I’d try to get you to smile.

Too much? I can stop. Really.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our coffee share and to you, gentle reader for reading my ramblings.

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that yesterday we (hubby and I) ran around like chickens with our heads cut off to try and get our errands done…and we didn’t finish them all.Image result for chicken up close

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how your week went. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? We, who live up here in Canada, have already had our Thanksgiving, so now we’re in the Christmas frenzy.

Image result for elf

Our house hasn’t avoided such frenzy either. My lovely hubby got a bit of Christmas madness and wrapped a column with lights. (see below)

And see that little brown thing at the bottom of the column next to the tiny Christmas tree? Yeap. That’s a buddha.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you if you have started your Christmas shopping. I have started giving money away to a charity that I care about for Christmas…But shopping? Not so much.

Image result for salvation army

Finally, if we were having coffee, I’d ask you how the weather is around where you are. We had freezing rain yesterday…to the dismay of our doggies who don’t understand how to walk on ice.

Thank you so much for reading! And a huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosting Coffee Share (in hiatus this week but returning next week).

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that our little tree, Hope, finally has her colours right. She’s just a little thing but she’s a beautiful shade of red now and we couldn’t be more delighted.

This was Hope before

This is her now

Hope in her beautiful colours

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this has to be one of my favourite times of year. It’s both beautiful and amazing outside. I take every chance to walk with my doggies and enjoy the view. It’s that amazing.

That’s Hope too 🙂

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that our dogs are now shedding their coats…or at least dropping hair like teens drop adjectives. It’s made my vacuum a daily necessity.

This is what happens when I brush my dogs

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that work is all-consuming now. It’s the time of year when it’s so busy, it’s easy to stay late into the day and sometimes into the night. So, of course, this is when our house has decided to throw a fit and our garage door, our dishwasher and our phone have all broken down at the same time.

Image result for facepalm

In the meantime…how are you? How are things?Thank you so much for reading! And a huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share!

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d moan that the crack in our ceiling has gotten worse and I fear the house might collapse on us. Sad, because we’d probably die…still, how is your coffee?

The crack in all its horror

If we were having coffee, I’d also complain about my latest cooking catastrophe. There was a spill inside the oven and things burned. It wasn’t pretty.

This was inside our oven…yikes!

This was the casserole that created that mess. It was actually really good.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that we’ve also been able to see friends and family during the last few days and the laughs we shared were belly shaking things that I loved. Nothing like a romp down history lane to find some really funny anecdotes.

Finally, I’d send a huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!


If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how you were and how your summer is going. I’d also tell you that today is going to be a scorcher. It’s already super hot and it’s only early morning. Still, it’s a beautiful summer Sunday and there’s tons to be grateful about.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we found a crack in the ceiling inside our house. We’re not sure why it’s there, but we’re pretty certain it’s not a good thing.

Worse, I then found a matching crack on the side wall.

Though we’re not sure what to do about it, the words ‘structural engineer’ keep popping into my head. You know, before the entire house collapses?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my lovely hubby intends to try and put a grate on our eavestroughs. In other words, we might very well end up in Emergency services today because he’s a strong guy, but agile…not so much.

Finally, I’d send a huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this morning was glorious. I sat on the deck watching my two dogs sniffing every corner of the yard and chasing one bird that was obviously up to no good and loved every minute. It was not too hot, it was sunny and there was the promise of more days like this to come.

If we were having coffee, I’d tel you that I discovered a little bump on River and we were at the vet’s almost immediately that same day. Turns out, it was a hair cell that has grown too large and not a deadly form of cancer as I feared. The vet patiently explained it all to us while my hubby rolled his eyes.

Finally, I’d wish you a Happy Father’s Day.

Strip For 022695

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you my dogs killed another rabbit. This happened because a rabbit snuck into our fenced backyard and my two pooches were on it before it could get out. Thankfully, I didn’t see said incident. But the horrors of it still linger in my mind. I wish I could have helped that little bunny.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that, Canada being Canada, it’s now boiling hot outside. We truly go from boots to sandals. You either freeze or boil here. Still, it’s such a lovely change from the dark, freezing nights of winter that no one is complaining.

Except the akitas. They’d love nothing more than perpetual winter.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how your week went. How was work? How was home? Mine was crazy busy. It seems that, as the temperature increases, so does the workload…or maybe it’s my need for perfectionism. I have to admit, I tend to fuss at things until they’re just so.

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!