If we were having coffee

(credit: Natural Health 365)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I adore my doggies. They’re just the perfect balance of silly and playful, loving and cuddly. I’ve started brushing their teeth and this leads to a ton of new hugs and kisses to reassure them that the brushing is actually good for them. I also give them a treat afterwards (a Dental stick that’s supposed to clean their teeth) and they adore that. I get tons of kisses and hugs, they get clean teeth. It’s a win-win.

I think that they know I’m over the moon with them because, though akitas aren’t supposed to be clingy, these two stick pretty close to me. Right now, as I type, they’re at my feet and next to me. I can just about move my hands but the rest of me is pretty dog-covered. Not that I mind. I find having them next to me a gift that I look forward to every day.


If we were having coffee I’d tell you that we’re still having pretty warm temperatures and the mere thought of spring is a drug I’m inhaling every day. The longer days and warmer weather is intoxicating. I can’t get enough of it.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that hubby is slowly recovering from his eye surgery (he had laser eye surgery this week) and now has better than 20/20 vision (owl eyes, that’s him!).

How about you? How was your week?

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I’m sick. I’m still in the early stages, so part of me still denies it and even has trouble typing it down. I’m still hoping that it was just a fluke and I didn’t really feel sick yesterday and it’ll magically go away.

If we were having coffee, I’d own that I’m pretty sick of winter already. Well, not winter exactly but the extreme cold days that we’ve been having. If that Polar Vortex moved on back home and left us, I wouldn’t shed a tear.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that this week was a whirlwind at work. The days didn’t fly, they teleported by. It the middle of the madness, I was trying to do all the items on my to-do list and basically ran around like a headless chicken.

Tell me it’s warmer where you are. It’d make my cold day.

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that Little Leonard has graduated from being sick to being super cute and adorable and full of energy. There have been so many applications to adopt him that there are two full-time staff people to sort through them all and find the best home for him. Things are definitely looking up for the little guy.

(credit: Natural Health 365)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we were hit by a metre of snow on Saturday but, being truly Canadian, it didn’t even slow us down and off we went to do our shopping and weekend things.


If we were having coffee, I’d share this with you.

(credit: The awesome daily)

And one more.

(credit: Animal Planet)

And then I’d finally ask you how your week went because there’s a limit to ridiculous animal picture-sharing and I’ve just reached it.


A big thank you to Eclectic Alli for hosting the coffee share. Join us  here.

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that we have snow…and our two akitas couldn’t be happier. I have yet to see them express that amount of happiness at the sight of us or food or their beds. Snow holds an incredible amount of glee for our two fluff-balls. They simply can’t get enough of the stuff.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that lately, work has been actually fun. I work with the public and while they can be demanding, contradicting and maddening, they can also be cute, endearing and hilarious. I had a week where I spent most of my time at work laughing. Laughter, in my book, is one of the best things.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that my lovely, British hubby is obsessed with a restaurant and we’ve been going religiously to it every weekend since September. After two and a half months of the same food, I’m starting to look like the menu. If he suggests it next weekend, I might kick him in the buttocks.

How was your week? Is there anyone you’d like to kick?

Coffee share has found a new home.  Eclectic Alli is hosting it. Come see what everyone’s saying.


If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d whine about my week. At work, one of my colleagues got so sick he’ll be in the hospital for months and his job has been given to someone else. My job changed as a result and, since they can’t just hire someone right away, I’m basically doing the work of two people.

So, this weekend, after a week of craziness that topped all other craziness, I got sick. So I’m moaning to you, my lovely reader, and my fluffy doggies since my hubby is away at a workshop (convenient, eh?).

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how you were doing…from a distance so I wouldn’t share my germs. I’d tell you that I particularly liked Trent’s post about his weekend with his puppy. Puppies are the best.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you my two fluff-balls are really trying to get me to feel well by waking me up at 6am and demanding more kisses and cuddles than usual.

One of the troublemakers

The other guilty party

And, of course, I brought a ton of work to do at home…that ought to kill any lingering germs, right?

Note: Weekend Coffee Share is a meme created by Part Time Monster.

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d ask for a second one. This week has been crazy. It seems I’m not the only one who’s had a nutty week, Luther M. Siler’s sounds absolutely bonkers.

If you asked what was nuts at my job, I’d tell you, without giving away too many details, that I’ve seen co-workers crying this week, that my job used to include doing Thing-A and has suddenly changed to Thing-B and that there were some late, late hours at work this week. This weekend was a desperately needed necessity.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m looking forward to spending tomorrow with my puppies and taking them on a long walk. Today has been all about cleaning up the house (it was a disaster), getting groceries (we had nothing but baking soda and water in the fridge) and recuperating from the week.

Finally, I’d share with you that my lovely hubby has been trying to ‘cure’ my fear of spiders by showing me horrific pictures of said animals.

That’s right ladies, he’s all mine.

Note: Weekend Coffee Share is a meme created by Part Time Monster.

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you if yours was good. Lately I’ve been having rotten luck getting a good cup of coffee. Nothing worse than that disappointment.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that yesterday was spent washing our two fluff balls of dogs. It took a good hour to get them both wet, washed and semi-dried. By then both my husband and I were exhausted and filthy while the dogs were exhausted and clean. We bundled them into my Jeep (note to self: must clean Jeep) and took them home where they immediately ran outside to get as dirty as possible. (note to self: hire someone to wash dogs in future).

If we were having coffee I’d share some of my doggie pictures with you. I tried to show in the pictures just how glorious their fur is now, all clean and super soft but somehow they kept moving around and the pictures don’t show what I mean.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that we’re all exhausted today from the ordeal but the glory was in watching River close his eyes in bliss while soapy water ran over his back. He has skin allergies and the bath (along with the skin-sensitive organic shampoo) soothed those itches. With both my hubby and I giving him a rubbing massage, he absolutely loved the entire experience.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that smell is not wet dog. Nope.

How about you? How was your week? Anything you want to share?

Part Time Monster created and runs the amazing Weekend Coffee Share.




If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee we’d be at a new coffee shop. I’ve just discovered it. It opened up near my Day Job Place (of all places) and it’s delightful. Part coffee-house, part restaurant, it’s cozy, classy and full of daylight. It had free Wi-Fi and plenty of sitting space, so the only remaining question was the quality of its coffee.



I ordered one and got the picture to the left…and it tastes even better than it looks. Absolutely delicious. Yum!



If we were having coffee I’d tell you that this week has been a whirl of madness. Coming back to work was exciting, terrifying, insanely busy and fulfilling all at once. I have a job that causes a rainbow of emotions in me. I’ve been doing it for a while but it still manages to both surprise and challenge me. 

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the weather has been causing me no end of worries. These incredible storms are terrifying. I wonder if this is the result of humankind’s lack of environmental responsibility and care.  I hope this doesn’t mean even worse storms for the upcoming generations. I worry for the poor victims of Harvey and Irma. I hope people (and pets) have made it to shelter.

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

Finally, I’d thank Part Time Monster for running the ever-awesome Weekend Coffee Share!

How about you? How was your week?

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that this week has been my last week off before returning to work and I’m not sure I’m ready to head back. My Day Job is working with the public and though it’s both challenging and rewarding, I’m sort of scared to head back. The introvert in me is hiding in her shell.


In other news, Ocean, our furry girl akita, has decided that her diet of kibble and treats we give her is not up to her Royal Fluffiness standards and has started to eat things outside in the yard. The yard being mostly made of grass and dirt, she’s eating said grass, some crab apples she finds and, most disturbingly, wild mice that she somehow catches. It’s this last part that worries me the most because wild mice aren’t exactly disease free. Also, she swallows the things and then has to puke them back up because her system can’t handle them whole. The entire thing is both incredibly disgusting and disturbing. How she likes to eat that when we give her healthy kibble, fruits, tuna and clean water is a mystery.


Finally, this week my hubby has been furnishing his new office which means I’ve been drafted into helping him. Me, being incredibly strong and muscular (ahem!) I basically huff and puff and try to lift one end of the furniture while my husband curses in British and wonders why he didn’t invite his buddies to help out. I concur.

How about you? How was your week?

Weekend Coffee Share is run by Part Time Monster. A huge thanks for her for running it.

If we were having coffee



If we were having coffee I’d tell you that, after talking to a friend, I decided to leave my plant-based diet a few weeks ago. I dropped it like a hot potato thinking I’d be able to switch without an issue. As it turns out, switching diets can have an impact on your digestive system. Mine threw a tantrum worthy of a two-year old and I literally ran back to my vegetables, fruits and legumes.

(credit:Solution Santé)

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that my week off from work is done and I’m heading back tomorrow. I’ve tried to explain this to my furry babies but I’m worried they have not understood and will be really upset tomorrow. We’ve been doing long walks and having snuggling sessions on a daily basis and they’re definitely going to miss that.

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m worried about Texas and how everyone will endure Hurricane Harvey. I keep watching the news for updates and hoping things will work out somehow.


Finally, I’d tell you that I’ve been snooping around other blogs and really enjoying reading what other people are up to on their weekend. Weekend Coffee Share is such a great idea. A huge thanks to Part Time Monster for running it!