
Finally, we’re seeing some signs of Spring. They’re so lovely, I can’t put them into words.

Okay, the last one wasn’t a sign of spring. It’s just Ocean enjoying the sights of spring, especially those of chipmunks.

With a grumble and a smile

Yes, those are my feet. You’ll notice I’m wearing boots…and, more importantly, there’s some white stuff on the ground around my feet.

That, my lovely, gentle reader, is snow. Snow. Yeap. Here. As in it was so cold we didn’t get rain, we got snow.

In April.

I do have some better things to share with you though. Here, I took this picture a day before the ‘s-word’ arrived.

That’s the top of one of our evergreens. We planted them a couple of years ago and it gives me a ridiculous amount of pleasure to see them grow a little more each year.

See that lighter green bit at the top? That’s where the new growth comes in.

I know! It’s so exciting! Love trees, love them!

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d moan that I want spring and I want it now. We’ve had a long, cold winter and we’re due for Spring. Especially since our Groundhog promised an early spring…

Okay, that’s not the best reason for an early spring…but, hey! It would be really, really nice if we finally have temperatures above freezing for a couple of days. I do think our weather forecasters feel our pain because they keep promising nicer weather just a couple of days ahead…unfortunately, those predictions never come true but they’re still nice to see.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this is the time of year when our doggies blow their coat and we have a lot of hair around our house as a result. I have one of the culprits as we speak staring at me over the edge of my computer, sniffing my screen asking for kisses and hugs because it has been almost a minute since I gave her some and that’s simply too long.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s back to work tomorrow and I don’t feel ready for it. I think I have the Monday blues a day early. Maybe my doggies aren’t the only ones who are spoiled because working is a reality of life and I should be grateful I have a job not moaning that I have to work.

Obviously, more coffee is needed.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

Of cushions and husbands

Well, I’m sick. I don’t know if it’s the weather or allergies or what but my head feels like there are a thousand bees buzzing around in it. It certainly didn’t help that we were running around in the freezing cold yesterday searching for a new cushion for River. This is our weather statement right now. It’s cold out there and it’ll be cold for a while yet. I know we have winter dogs but I fret about leaving them outside for the entire day when it’s this cold. So, last Friday, I left them in…and River decided the best way to spend his time was to eat his cushion. So now we’re looking for another one for his royal fluffiness.

But it’s easier said than done. We have demands we want from a cushion and yesterday, after looking through 3 stores, we had to head home and warm up. So, my hubby decided he would fix the cushion.

He started with a needle and thread…but after many British curses that I won’t repeat here and too many bandaids to count, he moved to another medium. 

Duck tape.

If we were having coffee

(credit: Natural Health 365)

If we were having coffee, you’d probably tell me to be quiet. In fact, it might be better if we focus on the coffee we’re having instead of what I have to say…because it’s not pretty.

(credit:Belleza Skin Care Institute)

If we were having coffee and sitting in some coffee shop, we’d both be defying all advice from police and weather sources right now. They’re telling everyone to stay indoors. Apparently, Mother Nature is having a fit and the result isn’t going to be pretty. We’re getting another ice storm.

I’m no expert but ‘potentially historic’ doesn’t sound good.

Maybe we should get another cup of coffee.

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!


Groundhog Day

Notwithstanding what the groundhog predicted, this is the scene outside my window right now…


And that is Ocean, one of my two akita dogs who refuse to come inside when there’s a snow storm going on.

Inside? Not now!

I don’t want to come inside yet.

Why have cushions and warmth when you can sit on a pile of snow and ice?