
Finally, we’re seeing some signs of Spring. They’re so lovely, I can’t put them into words.

Okay, the last one wasn’t a sign of spring. It’s just Ocean enjoying the sights of spring, especially those of chipmunks.

With a grumble and a smile

Yes, those are my feet. You’ll notice I’m wearing boots…and, more importantly, there’s some white stuff on the ground around my feet.

That, my lovely, gentle reader, is snow. Snow. Yeap. Here. As in it was so cold we didn’t get rain, we got snow.

In April.

I do have some better things to share with you though. Here, I took this picture a day before the ‘s-word’ arrived.

That’s the top of one of our evergreens. We planted them a couple of years ago and it gives me a ridiculous amount of pleasure to see them grow a little more each year.

See that lighter green bit at the top? That’s where the new growth comes in.

I know! It’s so exciting! Love trees, love them!

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d moan that I want spring and I want it now. We’ve had a long, cold winter and we’re due for Spring. Especially since our Groundhog promised an early spring…

Okay, that’s not the best reason for an early spring…but, hey! It would be really, really nice if we finally have temperatures above freezing for a couple of days. I do think our weather forecasters feel our pain because they keep promising nicer weather just a couple of days ahead…unfortunately, those predictions never come true but they’re still nice to see.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this is the time of year when our doggies blow their coat and we have a lot of hair around our house as a result. I have one of the culprits as we speak staring at me over the edge of my computer, sniffing my screen asking for kisses and hugs because it has been almost a minute since I gave her some and that’s simply too long.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s back to work tomorrow and I don’t feel ready for it. I think I have the Monday blues a day early. Maybe my doggies aren’t the only ones who are spoiled because working is a reality of life and I should be grateful I have a job not moaning that I have to work.

Obviously, more coffee is needed.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s still freezing here. In fact, we have freezing rain in our forecast. Lovely, isn’t i? A couple of days ago, the Polar Vortex was among us giving us incredibly frigid temperatures, snow squalls and the promise of frostbite if we dared to venture outside.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my husband’s patchy, duck-tape ‘fix’ of our dogs’ beds is over and they both now have new beds. This is good news for both doggies and people, since the old dog beds were a complete eye sore.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that Groundhog Day promised us an early spring and I, for one, can’t wait.

A huge thanks to Eclectic Alli for hosting our Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!

Where it’s beautiful

We finally have sunshine and it’s glorious.

I remember reading Firestarter by Stephen King and it talks about the expression on the heroine’s face after she’s been kept indoors for months and she finally sees the sunshine. The book goes on to say that prisoners who finally see the sun have that same expression.

I know exactly what that expression looks like.

I see it on every Canadian face on days like this. They walk around in a daze, amazed that this is real and they’re not dreaming.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s still cold. There’s still snow on the ground.

We don’t care.

The sunshine is a thing of beauty. It’s like gold from the sky. We haven’t seen it in over 4 months and we really, really like it.

Animals and people alike appear from where ever they were hibernating to come out in slow motion. Cautious; wondering if the miracle they see is real.

Spring is here.

If we were having coffee

(credit:Church Designer Magazine)

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you hubby is due back today and…well, Ocean might have snuck onto his seat on the couch, but otherwise, the house hasn’t fallen apart without him.

(credit: Natural Health 365)

I tried baking cookies yesterday and substituted brown sugar for molasses…well, the resulting cookies are heavy enough to fill a hungry bear for an entire winter. And that’s just one. I ate three yesterday and I though I was going to die. 24 hours later and I’m still digesting them.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I haven’t touched the snow on the driveway and it’s a good thing I drive a Jeep because it’s getting up there in places. As in up there to my waist! The even better news is that we have everything from snow to freezing rain coming today. Hubby is going to take one look at our driveway and get back on the plane.

Yes, my dogs have been up to their usual tricks but things have been pretty mellow around here.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that work has been insane. I’ve seen coworkers cry and quit (Not exactly what you’d call an endorsement for my job). I haven’t quit or complained but I’d love an easier work week…or if spring started early.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how you are. How was your week? How is work? Did you have time to do some fun things this week? Do some self-care? I didn’t get to the bookstore yet, but it’s on my to-do list.

A huge thanks to  Eclectic Alli for hosing Coffee Share and to you, my lovely reader, for reading!


If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I’m worried about Ocean. My littlest dog has been puking lately and I don’t know why or how to stop it. In other ways, she’s actually doing better (she had an allergic reaction to a food change) and I think the allergies are going away but the tummy troubles are still there. I don’t like it one bit. If she doesn’t get better…well, I just can’t imagine life without her.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that this week has been insane mostly because my lovely hubby ended up in the hospital after losing a fight with a gall bladder stone. Long story short, he still has his gall bladder but it has to go. Next week, he has tons of meetings with different doctors and we’re going to see what they all say. Thank goodness we live in Canada and all those appointments are free.

I don’t like to be negative on this blog, so I’d probably tell you that this morning, it was so cool and fresh, the air was just gorgeous. I stood outside freezing my tail off but loving every breath. It just felt clean and beautiful. I love spring.

And I’d ask what’s new with you. How are you and how are things at home with you? How is work?

The Weekend Coffee Share was created by Part Time Monster and is now hosted by Nerd in the Brain.

If we were having coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that lovely hubby has been sick but is on the mend. This is particularly reassuring for yours truly because I’ve been fetching, getting and buying him everything from remedies to mythical British drinks that don’t exist in Canada.

I’d tell you Spring is starting to show its lovely head and it’s absolutely beautiful out. Yesterday, it was sunny and not below zero, so we took the fuzz-balls for a walk. It was like we had emerged from a long period in jail or something because we both had amazed, bewildered looks on our faces wondering at the fact that we could show our skin to the elements without fear of immediate frostbite.

Our dogs, on the other hand, are sad that their beloved blizzards are over. They try to sit on the little bits of remaining snow in the yard and ignore the dry, grassy ground around them.

In other words, they’re nuts.

Credits: Weekend Coffee Share is a meme developed by Part Time Monster and now hosted by Nerd in the Brain

Someone please shake me

It’s Spring here. It’s still subzero but there’s tons of sunshine and the snow is not piling in ever increasing mountains. More importantly, the temperature is not in the minus double digits. When you get used to minus 35, zero feels like a heat wave. Canadians every where are trading their snow boots for shorts.

Spring is time to clean up. When the snow starts to disappear, it leaves behind a ton of dirt on everything from roads to grass. The roads will be cleaned via rain thanks to Mother Nature. The grass needs a good raking but homes too need a good clean up. People everywhere start opening windows, dusting and cleaning their homes. Everyone is doing it. Even me. But I have a problem.

I not only crave cleanliness and sunshine and blooms. I crave puppies.

I’d like to say that my hubby will keep me from getting one more pooch but he’s a therapist and a big believer in ‘validation’. (Side note: Validation is a therapy process by which you tell the other person how they make sense, even when they’re a little old lady who wants to get a puce mohawk). Odds are, he’ll encourage me to get not only one but two puppies.

So? Allow me to explain.

One dog is work. Two is a pack. Three is insanity.

Someone once said that when you have a couple of dogs, getting another isn’t any extra work. They were lying. It’s extra work. Exponentially more extra work.

Plus, we’re selling our house. A house that smells of eau a la pooch does not sell well.

All these reasons make sense and I remember them clearly now. But then I see a puppy and ….Aww

Those reasons are gone. Poof! Disappeared.

I need help.