Posts I loved this week

This week was absolutely incredible in posts. I try to keep these posts manageable because there’s a limit to ridiculousness but these couldn’t be kept out, ridiculous length or not. Like teens say, they’re absolutely ‘Tha bomb’.

The 100 best websites for Writers is an awesome post that I immediately added to this list. A huge thank you to The Write Life for that great resource.

In April, there’s a great Blogging challenge to blog topics from A to Z. It’s awesome and not just because of the letters but because truly great posts appear. Check out the schedule for Sourcerer and a little intro on the challenge. This is going to be soooo good! I can’t wait.

I love If We were having Coffee posts. Just eat them up. I think they might have started off in Part Time Monster. They’re intimate and personal and I feel like I get a little update of the person and how they’re doing. Check out this one by Winter Bayne. Isn’t it lovely?

This week, Positive Writer posted the Top 50 Writing Blogs for 2015. A fantastic post you can check out here.

Okay, this one is a little self-serving but Just Gene’O came out with this wonderful new feature to share some blog love around. It’s just like him because he’s truly a very kind person. But don’t go too far. Check out this other post on the same blog with some very cool ideas and news coming up in this awesome blog!

If you’re looking for a little promo for your book, check out this post by Ch’kara Silverwolf. Isn’t that an awesome gesture of kindness? A huge thanks to her for that wonderful gift to all authors.

I found this post through Steve Vernon. He often reblogs awesome posts and this one is one of them. 6 Reasons why you should be reading books by Alana Munro. I had no idea reading was so beneficial!

If you’re trying to contact a literary agent but don’t want to go the traditional ‘query letter’ route, try this post on 4 different ways to do so from Writers In the Storm.

The 1000 Voices Speaking for Compassion is doing awesome. Check out the brand new blog at WordPress supporting this great project.

Natacha Guyot‘s debut post on Sourcerer was a thing of beauty with a wonderful message. Check it out here.

I’ve spoken about The Story Reading Ape before but this blog is amazing. Not only is it full of every resource an author could want (everything from places to get reviews, to covers, to editing help), it also has reviews of other books so you can find your next great read.

Okay, don’t miss this post. I absolutely loved it. It’s got humour that made me laugh, a beautiful story, pictures and fantastic writing all in one post. A big, huge thank you to Just Ponderin’ for this one…and…have you ever thought of writing a book?

For all those fans of Melissa Barker-Simpson (like me!) out there, here’s a very special bit of good news! She’s taking part in the A to Z challenge this April. Her writing is fresh, funny and so captivating. Those posts are going to be awesome!

Looking for a good book for February? Check out this post from the BookChick with all the upcoming releases in that month and covers to tempt your taste buds!

So true, Wise Ink has these 5 Myths about Self-Publishing.

On a completely different note, I loved this post by The Tiny Buddha10 Things to Stop Doing If You Want to Be Happy. So wise and true!

Melissa Barker-Simpson is looking for contributors to the Writing Room 101. Check out the post and see if you’re interested.

A beautifully written post on Feminism, Gene’O explains the whys and reasons in such a kind, fluid way that it reminded me of Emma Watson’s speech at the United Nations on the same topic. A huge thank you to Part Time Monster for that wonderful post.

The Story Reading Ape reblogged this great post with five videos of Real Editors giving Writing Advice. A great resource in an amazing blog.

Finally, a friendly quote from a famous doctor. 🙂



15 thoughts on “Posts I loved this week

  1. Wow! You were right about the week – so many marvellous things to choose from and all the great and exciting news. It is totally ‘the bomb’, though my own teenagers would laugh hysterically at me trying to use the lingo (in the UK the word these days is ‘safe’ – don’t ask me – I don’t get it!). Thank you so much for your kind and lovely words, and for including me here. Your support really knows no bounds. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many more times…you’re awesome, Taylor 🙂

  2. I love these posts and think they’re very generous. I have a feeling I may have been mentioned last week but unfortunately I was in the hospital with my daughter, so I’ll thank you now. These are great posts!

  3. Thank you so much for the mention (and the poke to think about writing a book!) Your encouragement and enthusiasm for writing and reading and sharing is contagious. Thank you again :))

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