Posts I loved this week

A wonderful week in posts, these posts made me grin, smile and be grateful I’ve started blogging and have found them. What a wonderful set of posts. A huge thank you to every author for their talent and wisdom!

If you’re thinking of advertising to boost sales or even just create awareness about your book, check out this fantastic post by Chris McMullen. It has the pros, cons and all the choices you need. A huge thank you to Chris for all the research that went into that post!

Are you editing? Here’s a great post with 5 steps to edit your manuscript from Nikki Woods, a Global Visibility Expert.

Having trouble getting motivated? Try this post with 8 suggestions on how to get going from Sage Weidner or this other one by Mazie Bishop both on Writerology.

Just adorable, this post on what writing and dog training have in common made me laugh. A huge thank you to James L’Etoile for the laughs!

Mystery vs. thriller? Urban fantasy vs. paranormal romance? If you’re having trouble classifying your WIP or have ever wondered about the difference between some genres, this post is for you. From Writers in the Storm, a great, clear way to know which is which with answers straight from agents! And while you’re there, check out this other fantastic post with 8 Tips on Writing faster!

Trouble formatting from Word to Createspace? Here’s a post with a video showing the steps on how to do just that. A huge thank you to Steve Vernon for that great post!

Julie Lawford has 10 tips to instantly improve your writing. They’re precise, easy to follow and hold a lot of sense. A huge thanks to her for the post and to The Story Reading Ape for finding this gem!

Need a little help getting your blog writing and other activities balanced in your life? Check out this post by Ronovan Writes: Blogging Personality: The Key to Success. Ronovan Writes is a fantastic blog full of great positive ideas like BeWow.

Overwhelmed with the WordPress Dashboard? You can customize it! Check out this YouTube video showing you how to do just that. A huge thank you to Barb Drozdowich of Bakerview Consulting and to Molly Greene for the great post that had this tip in it.

If you’re still debating having a blog or website, check out this post by Anita Lovett on that subject.

Looking for a great book to read? Check out the Top Ten Tuesday post from Part Time Monster with its choices for Spring Reads. What a great selection!

Both true and insightful, this post by the Crimson League hits them all, Six reasons why writers can’t write.

The Story Reading Ape is an incredible blog full of resources for authors, bloggers, book reviewers and poets. Now, even better, it has updated its resources. Check it out here.

If you’re looking for a great blog to follow, check out Sourcerer, a fantastic blog with a wide range of interests. Here’s a great post from this site telling you just what’s coming up and what you can look forward to!

Finally, a quote that I particularly loved.





9 thoughts on “Posts I loved this week

  1. I am drawn to the idea of balance. You wrote, “Need a little help getting your blog writing and other activities balanced in your life?” And it reminded me of my latest adventure signing up with Twitter to, at last, dip my toe into the pool of social media that I have been avoiding. I created an account, and, just three days later, I closed it. Clearly there must be something wrong with me because I felt sheer panic at the high speed connectivity that others seem to revel in. Twitter’s message length limitations felt like minimalism on acid. I couldn’t condense everything I wanted to say to a handful of characters. I love words too much and was instantly at odds with Twitter. Alas, my search for balance has been postponed.

  2. Thanks for linking to the A to Z thingy! I’ve been scarce lately on some blog threads. I’ll be back to my usual pattern in May.

    Hope you’re having an awesome weekend 🙂

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