
I just read this wonderfully honest post by Crystin Goodwin and it really hit me, I spend more time working on my blog than I do on my WIP. Hm…

There’s a good possibility that the reason I’m not working on my book is not that my blog takes up my time. I could find more time for my WIP but I’m procrastinating because it’s editing and to quote a friend, my first draft is ‘eye searing’ bad. Reading it is actually painful.

But Crystin’s post brings up a great question, how do you balance writing on your book vs. writing on your blog? Should we post every day? Should we only post when we have high-quality posts? Should we write first and then blog?

I’d love to hear what works for you.


26 thoughts on “Balance

  1. It’s a good question. I suppose part of the answer lies in why you blog? Is it because writing is a lonely process and it’s a way of connecting, or is it to create a platform? Partly the two together? Or to practice writing? Something different altogether? Then with that answer you may find your other answer. We all need to make sure we find time for the actual writing but balance is something many of us need to figure out.

  2. I try to post every day except Tuesday and Thursday. It’s not as overwhelming as every day. I added Thursday during October for my Halloween shorts, but those are pre written. I’ll drop Thursday again in November.

  3. For me, blogging definitely has to come second. I try to do one post a week, two if I include a Wordless Wednesday post. I need to focus on writing novels. I don’t consider myself to be a blogger as such, but an author who has a blog as part of her author platform. Connecting with other bloggers is great fun and has certainly netted me some book sales, but writing books must be my primary aim.

  4. I struggle with the balance. I’m considering taking a leaf out of Mishka’s book and scheduling my blogging time. It’s hard because I run three or four so I need discipline…either that or a clone or two πŸ˜‰

      • It’s an endless search, but I’m a determined sort! If I do find a mad scientist who is willing to throw caution to the wind, I’ll let you know πŸ˜‰

        I’m not sure how I manage to juggle things. I don’t like to think about it, in case it all comes crashing down around my ears. So far I’ve got through on a wing and a prayer! I need a new system I think. The pressure is getting to me a little πŸ™‚

      • Oh…no! Melissa, you’re such a kind and wonderful person (even from what little I know of you), please take care so you don’t burn out! Think of your little girl who needs you around for many more trips like the one you have planned!

  5. Making reasonable goals might help. I found a critique partner and it’s made all the difference in both of our WIPs. Someone who can ask, “When are your sending your next chapter?” It helps. I admire people who are consistent with blogging. It’s perseverance. Just need a bit of that quality geared toward your WIP πŸ™‚

  6. I’m trying to balance life with writing. Who cares about social media, sheeesh…
    Anywho, editing is just writing. We love writing πŸ˜‰ Get to editing πŸ˜›

  7. Pingback: Top 10 posts for October | Taylor Grace

  8. I try to write two blog posts a week and then spend any other free time on writing projects that I have on the go at the moment. I think that finding a balance between writing blog posts and other writing projects is hard, oh for another 12 hours in each day! πŸ™‚

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